The Disco Brunch


One of my favourite recent projects was developing a complete brand and associated promotional content for The Disco Brunch. The project included various opportunities to make use of motion graphics, for both social media content and digital billboards in and around Norwich city centre.

launch website


Motion Graphics
Visual Design
9:16 poster for social media use, logo, square cutout photoboard, artist image for social media promotion, sample promo content image for social media

9:16 poster for social media use, logo variation for new event, 2x artist images for social media promotion
One of the more exciting parts of this project was coming up with ways to roll out the disco concept throughout the actual event itself. We settled on custom-made placemats for the tables, upcycling old vinyl records with custom branded labels.
Obviously you can't have a bottomless brunch without a menu! We settled on a bold and striking layout, printed on A4.


Tom did a fantastic job of bringing The Disco Brunch brand to life. It's a competitive market for these kinds of events, but we are confident we stand out from the crowd.

Keir Slater, The Disco Brunch

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